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Airspy 2024 Summer Sale: 15% Off All Airspy Products
Bestyrer: Per H. Nielsen, Alex Tiedemann, dkscan_test, admin
Ophavsmand Indlæg
lør 22. jun 2024, 16:19
Registeret medlem #3231
Oprettet: ons 20. aug 2008, 21:58
Sted: Midtjylland
Indlæg: 472
Skulle du mangle en Aispy er det måske nu ?

Airspy is currently holding their annual summer sale which gives 15% off their line of products until June 30 2024.
The sale brings the price of the popular Airspy receiver products down to the following in US dollars
- (note that actual pricing may vary across local resellers):

Airspy R2: $169.00 $143.65
Airspy Mini: $99.00 $84.15
Airspy HF+ Discovery: $169.00 $143.65
Airspy SpyVerter R2: $49.00 $41.65
YouLoop Antenna: $39.95 $33.95

The sale is active at all participating resellers, which includes our own store

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